Anopheles varuna Iyengar, 1924




Etymology: Varuna [Sanskrit, God of Rain]

Type locality: Calcutta [West Bengal], India

Type depository: Unknown


Darsie & Pradhan 1990 (Nepal)

Rattanarithikul et al. 2006b (Thailand)




adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Genera - Global - Adult

 larval key icon

WRBU - Genera - Global - Larva

 adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Genera - Eastern Palearctic - Adult

larval key icon

WRBU - Genera - Eastern Palearctic - Larva

 adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Genera - Indomalaya - Adult

larval key icon

WRBU - Genera - Indomalaya - Larva

 adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Genera - Oriental - Adult

larval key icon

WRBU - Genera - Oriental - Larva

 adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Indomalaya - Adult

larval key icon

WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Indomalaya - Larva

 adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Oriental - Adult

larval key icon

WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Oriental - Larva

Exemplar DNA sequences

All Anopheles varuna DNA sequences



Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, People’s Republic of China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam



Iyengar 1924: 24 (F*)

Christophers 1933: 214 (M*, F*, L*; to species)

Rao & Ramakrishna 1940 (L)

D’Abrera 1944: 348 (E*)

Reid 1968: 313 (M*, F*, L*; taxonomy)

Aslamkhan 1971b (distribution; Pakistan)

Lien et al. 1977 (distribution)

Harrison 1980: 107 (M*, F*, P*, L*; distribution)

Darsie & Pradhan 1990 (F, L; taxonomy, keys, bionomics, distribution; Nepal)

Harrison et al. 1991 (1990): 223 (distribution; Thailand.)

Van Bortel et al. 2001: 730 (distribution; Vietnam and Myanmar - as Burma)

Oo et al. 2004 (distribution; Myanmar)

Rattanarithikul et al. 2006b (F*, L*; bionomics, distribution, keys)

Qu & Zhu 2008 (distribution; People’s Republic of China)

Namgay et al. 2018 (bionomics, distribution; Bhutan)









Aslamkhan, M. (1971b). The mosquitoes of Pakistan. I. A checklist. Mosquito Systematics, 3(4), 147–159.

Christophers, S.R. (1933). The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Diptera. Vol. IV. Family Culicidae. Tribe Anophelini. London, England: Taylor and Francis.

D’Abrera, V.S.E. (1944). The eggs of the Ceylon anopheline mosquitoes. Journal of the Malaria Institute of India, 5(3), 337–359.

Darsie, R.F., Jr., & Pradhan, S.P. (1990). The mosquitoes of Nepal: Their identification, distribution and biology. Mosquito Systematics, 22(2), 69–130.

Harrison, B.A. (1980). Medical entomology studies. XIII. The Myzomyia Series of Anopheles (Cellia) in Thailand, with emphasis on intra-interspecific variations (Diptera: Culicidae). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, 17(4), 1–195.

Harrison, B.A., Rattanarithikul, R., Peyton, EL, & Mongkolpanya, K. (1991). Taxonomic changes, revised occurrence records and notes on the Culicidae of Thailand and neighboring countries. Mosquito Systematics, 22(for 1990)(3), 196–227.

Iyengar, M.O.T (1924). On the Indian anophelines of the funestus group and the description of a new species (Diptera, Culicidae). Indian Journal of Medical Research (Calcutta), 12, 23–29.

Lien, J.C., Kawengian, B.A., Partono, F., Lami, B., & Cross, J.H. (1977). A brief survey of the mosquitoes of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, with special reference to the identity of Anopheles barbirostris (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Margolembo area. Journal of Medical Entomology, 13(6), 719–727.

Namgay, R., Drukpa, T., Wangdi, T., Pemo, D., Harbach, R.E., & Somboon, P. (2018). A checklist of the Anopheles mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Bhutan. Acta Tropica, 188, 206–212.

Oo, T.T., Storch, V., & Becker, N. (2004). Review of the Anopheles mosquitoes of Myanmar. Journal of Vector Ecology, 29(1), 21–40.

Qu, F., & Zhu, H. (2008). On a checklist of the anopheline mosquitoes in China with rectification for some specific names. Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, 26(3), 210–216.

Rao, V.V., & Ramakrishna, V. (1940). A note on the larva of A. varuna (Iyengar). Journal of the Malaria Institute of India, 3, 509–512.

Rattanarithikul, R., Harrison, B.A., Harbach, R.E., Panthusiri, P., & Coleman, R.E. (2006b). Illustrated keys to the mosquitoes of Thailand. IV. Anopheles. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 128(Suppl. 2), 2.

Reid, J.A. (1968). Anopheline mosquitoes of Malaya and Borneo. Studies from the Institute for Medical Research Malaysia, 31, 520pp.

Van Bortel, W., Harbach, R.E., Trung, H.-D., Roelants, P., Backeljau, T., & Coosemans, M. (2001). Confirmation of Anopheles varuna in Vietnam, previously misidentified and mistargeted as the malaria vector Anopheles minimus. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 65(6), 729–732.



Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (Year). Anopheles varuna species page. Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit Website,, accessed on [date (e.g. 03 February 2020) when you last viewed the site].