Etymology: foot band (L); ref. to bands on legs
Type locality: Malaya [Malaysia]
Type depository: Natural History Museum, London, England, United Kingdom (NHMUK)
Nguyen Thuong Hien 1968 (Vietnam)
Lee et al. 1987b
Darsie & Pradhan 1990 (Nepal)
Rattanarithikul et al. 2006b
WRBU - Genera - Global - Larva
WRBU - Genera - Eastern Palearctic - Adult
WRBU - Genera - Eastern Palearctic - Larva
WRBU - Genera - Oriental - Adult
WRBU - Genera - Oriental - Larva
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Indomalaya - Adult
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Indomalaya - Larva
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Oriental - Adult
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Oriental - Larva
WRBU - Anopheles (Ano.) Myzorhynchus Series - Indomalaya - Adult
WRBU - Anopheles (Ano.) Myzorhynchus Series - Indomalaya - Larva
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam.
(Leicester) 1908: 31 (M, F; Myzorhynchus)
Reid 1953: 32 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*)
Nguyen Thuong Hien 1968 (F*, L*; keys, taxonomy, bionomics, distribution; Vietnam)
Basio 1971b: 37 (M*, F*; bionomics)
Harrison 1973b: 3 (distribution)
Baisas 1974: 52 (M, F*, P, L*, E*; taxonomy, bionomics, distribution; Philippines)
Harrison & Scanlon 1975: 71 (M*, F*, P*, L*; distribution)
Lee et al. 1987b: 75 (F; key, taxonomy, bionomics, distribution, review)
Darsie & Pradhan 1990 (F, L; taxonomy, keys, bionomics, distribution; Nepal)
Glick 1992: 129 (distribution)
Suleman et al. 1993 (distribution; Pakistan)
Linley et al. 1995: 49 (E*)
Oo et al. 2004 (distribution; Myanmar)
Azari-Hamidian et al. 2006 (distribution; Iran)
Rattanarithikul et al. 2006b (F*, L*; bionomics, distribution, keys)
Saeung et al. 2014 (E*)
Namgay et al. 2018 (bionomics, distribution; Bhutan)
Azari-Hamidian, S., Abai, M.R., Ladonni, H., Vatandoost, H., & Akbarzadeh, K. (2006). Anopheles peditaeniatus (Leicester) new to the Iranian mosquito fauna with notes on Anopheles hyrcanus group in Iran. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 22(1), 144–146.
Baisas, F.E. (1974). The mosquito fauna of Subic Bay Naval Reservation, Republic of the Philippines. San Francisco, CA: First Medical Service Wing (PACAF), Technical Report 72-2.
Basio, R.G. (1971b). The Mosquito Fauna of the Philippines (Diptera, Culicidae). Monograph No. 4). Manila, Philippines: National Museum of the Philippines.
Darsie, R.F., Jr., & Pradhan, S.P. (1990). The mosquitoes of Nepal: Their identification, distribution and biology. Mosquito Systematics, 22(2), 69–130.
Glick, J.I. (1992). Illustrated key to the female Anopheles of southwestern Asia and Egypt (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics, 24(2), 125–153.
Harrison, B.A. (1973b). A lectotype designation and description for Anopheles (An.) sinensis Wiedemann, 1828, with a discussion of the classification and vector status of this and some other oriental Anopheles. Mosquito Systematics, 5(1), 1–13.
Harrison, B.A., & Scanlon, J.E. (1975). Medical entomology studies. II. The subgenus Anopheles in Thailand (Diptera: Culicidae). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, 12(1), 1–307.
Harrison, B.A., Scanlon, J.E., & Reid, J.A. (1973). A new synonymy and new species name in the Southeast Asian Anopheles hyrcanus complex. Mosquito Systematics, 5(4), 263–268.
Lee, D.J., Hicks, M.M., Griffiths, M., Debenham, M.L., Bryan, J.H., Russell, R.C., . . . Marks, E.N. (1987b). The Culicidae of the Australasian Region (Vol. 5). Commonwealth Department of Health, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Monograph Series, 2. Canberra: Australian Government.
Leicester, G.F. (1908). The Culicidae of Malaya. Studies from the Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States, 3(3), 18–261.
Linley, J.R., Yap, H.H., & Damar, T.B. (1995). The eggs of four species of the Anopheles hyrcanus group in Malaysia (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics, 27(1), 43–71.
Namgay, R., Drukpa, T., Wangdi, T., Pemo, D., Harbach, R.E., & Somboon, P. (2018). A checklist of the Anopheles mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Bhutan. Acta Tropica, 188, 206–212.
Nguyen Thuong Hien (1968). The genus of Anopheles in Vietnam (Military Entomology Information Service, Trans.) Saigon: Bureau of Entomology, National Malaria Program/Republic of Vietnam.
Oo, T.T., Storch, V., & Becker, N. (2004). Review of the Anopheles mosquitoes of Myanmar. Journal of Vector Ecology, 29(1), 21–40.
Rattanarithikul, R., Harrison, B.A., Harbach, R.E., Panthusiri, P., & Coleman, R.E. (2006b). Illustrated keys to the mosquitoes of Thailand. IV. Anopheles. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 128(Suppl. 2), 2.
Reid, J.A. (1953). The Anopheles hyrcanus group in south-east Asia. (Diptera: Culicidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 44(1), 5–76.
Saeung, A., Baimai, V., Thongsahuan, S., Otsuka, Y., Srisuka, W., Taai, K., . . . Choochote, W. (2014). Cytogenetic, cross-mating and molecular evidence of four cytological races of Anopheles crawfordi (Diptera: Culicidae) in Thailand and Cambodia. Comptes rendus biologies, 337(11), 625–634.
Suleman, M., Khan, K., & Khan, S. (1993). Ecology of mosquitoes in Peshawar Valley and adjoining areas: Species composition and relative abundance. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 25(4), 321–328.
Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (Year). Anopheles peditaeniatus species page. Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit Website, http://wrbu.si.edu/vectorspecies/mosquitoes/peditaeniatus, accessed on [date (e.g. 03 February 2020) when you last viewed the site].