Anopheles coustani Laveran, 1900




Etymology: Camille César Clément Adolphe Coustan

Type locality: Madagascar

Type depository: South African Institute for Medical Research, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa (SAIM)






adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Genera - Global - Adult

 larval key icon

WRBU - Genera - Global - Larva

 adult mosquito key icon

WRBU - Genera - Afrotropical - Adult

 larval key icon

WRBU - Genera - Afrotropical - Larva

Exemplar DNA sequences

All Anopheles coustani DNA sequences

Associated Pathogens



Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar (includes Glorioso and Juan de Nova Isl.), Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Oman, Republic of the Congo, Republic of South Africa, La Réunion, Rwanda, São Tomé & Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan,  Tanzania (includes Zanzibar), Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.



Laveran 1900: 109 (F)

Blanchard 1905 (F*)

Macfie & Ingram 1922 (F*; as mauritianus de Grandpré & de Charmoy)

Séguy 1924: 153 (L*; as An. mauritianus)

De Meillon 1936b (E*)

Evans 1938: 59 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*)

De Meillon 1947b: 43 (M*, F*, P*, L*, E*)

Senevet & Andarelli 1955a: 101 (M*, F*, P, L*, E)

Gillies & De Meillon 1968: 35 (type locality information)

Duznetsov 1971; 441 (distribution; Yemen)

Margalit & Tahori 1974: 80 (distribution)

Service 1976a (distribution; Gabon)

Coetzee 1980 (taxonomy; s.l.; Coustani Group)

Coetzee 1994a (Type locality, neotype designation)

Kyalo et al. 2017 (distribution; sub-Saharan Africa)

Robert et al. 2019 (distribution; western Palearctic)

Campos et al. 2020 (molecular characterization)



syn. mauritianus de Grandpré & de Charmoy

1901: 8 (A). Type locality: Mauritius (NE). References: Senevet 1932b: 478 (synonymy; publication date).

syn. similis Theobald

1901a: 129 (M, F*; paludis variety). Type locality: Mashonaland [Salisbury, Zimbabwe]; British Central Africa [Malawi; Gold Coast (Ghana)]; Mauritius (NHMUK).






de Grandpré, A.D., & de Charmoy, d’E. (1901). Les moustiques: Anatomie et biologie. Contribution a l’étude des Culicidées et prinicpalement des genres Culex et Anopheles, de leur rôle dans la propagation de la malaria et de le filariose et des moyens de s’en préserver (for 1900). Port-Louis, France: Ile Maurice.

Blanchard, R. (1905). Les moustiques, histoire naturelle et médicale. Paris, France: F. R. de Rudeval, Imprimeur-Editeur.

Campos, M., Crepeau, M., Lee, Y., Gripkey, H., Rompão, H., Cornel, A. J., ... & Lanzaro, G. C. (2020). Complete mitogenome sequence of Anopheles coustani from São Tomé island. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5(3), 3394-3396.

Coetzee, M. (1980). The Anopheles coustani group of species in South Africa. Proceedings of the Third Entomological Congress of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, Pretoria, 1980, 17–18. 

Coetzee, M. (1994a). Anopheles crypticus, new species from South Africa is distinguished from Anopheles coustani (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics, 26(3), 125–131.

De Meillon, B. (1947b). The Anophelini of the Ethiopian geographical region. Publications of the South African Institute for Medical Research, 10(49), 1–272.

De Meillon, B. (1936b). Entomological studies. Studies on insects of medical importance in South Africa. Part III. The eggs of some South African Anophelines. Part II. Publications of the South African Institute for Medical Research, 7(38), 131–132.

Duznetsov, R.L. (1971). Recognition of Anopheles coustani Laveran, 1900 and Anopheles squamosus Theobald, 1901 in the Yemen Arab Republic. Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parizarnye bolezni, 40(4), 441–443.

Evans, A.M. (1938). Mosquitoes of the Ethiopian Region. II. Anophelini adults and early stages. London, England: British Museum (Natural History).

Gillies, M.T., & De Meillon, B. (1968). The Anophelinae of Africa, south of the Sahara (Ethiopian Zoogeographical Region). Publications of the South African Institute for Medical Research, 54, 1–343.

Kyalo, D., Amratia, P., Mundia, C.W., Mbogo, C.M., Coetzee, M., & Snow, R.W. (2017). A geo-coded inventory of anophelines in the Afrotropical Region south of the Sahara: 1898–2016. Wellcome Open Research, 2, 57.

Laveran, A. (1900). Sur un Anopheles provenant de Madagascar. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de Biologie , 52, 109–110.

Macfie, J.W.S., & Ingram, A. (1922). On the genital armature of the female mosquito. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 16(2), 157–188.

Margalit, J., & Tahori, A.S. (1974). An annotated list of mosquitoes in Israel. Israel Journal of Entomology, 9, 77–91.

Robert, V., Günay, F., Le Goff, G., Boussès, P., Sulesco, T., Khalin, A., Medlock, J.M., Kampen, H., Petrić, D., & Schaffner, F. (2019). Distribution chart for Euro-Mediterranean mosquitoes (western Palaearctic region). Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association, 37, 1–28.

Séguy, E. (1924). Les moustiques de l’Afrique Mineure, de l’Égypte et de la Syrie. Encyclopédie Entomologique A, 1, 1–257.

Senevet, G. (1932b). À propos d’Anopheles coustani Laveran. Archives de l’Institut Pasteur d’Algérie, 10(4), 478–484.

Senevet, G., & Andarelli, L. (1955a). Les Anopheles de l’Afrique du Nord et du Bassin Meditérranéen. P. Lechevallier (Ed.), Encylopédie Entomologique, Paris, 33, 1–280.

Service, M.W. (1976a). Contribution to the knowledge of the mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of Gabon. Cahiers ORSTOM. Série entomologie médicale et parasitologie, 14(3), 259–263.Coetzee, M. (1980). The Anopheles coustani group of species in South Africa. Proceedings of the Third Entomological Congress of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, Pretoria, 1980, 17–18.

Theobald, F.V. (1901a). A monograph of the Culicidae or mosquitoes (Vol. 1). London, England: British Museum (Natural History).

Townsend, B.C. (1990). Culicidae. In B.C. Townsend, J. E. Chainey, R.W. Crosskey, A.C. Pont, R.P. Lane, J.P.T. Boorman, & C.A. Crouch (Eds.), A catalogue of the types of bloodsucng flies in the British Museum (Natural History) (pp. 35–152). London, England: British Museum (Natural History).



Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (Year). Anopheles coustani species page. Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit Website,, accessed on [date (e.g. 03 February 2020) when you last viewed the site].