Etymology: not stated [clear, bright, beautiful (L)]
Type locality: Suisha of Jitsugetsutan, Nanto Prefecture and Rivers Sobiu and Dakusui, Ako Prefecture, Formosa [Taiwan, Republic of China]
Type depository: Location Unknown (LU)
Nguyen Thuong Hien 1968 (Vietnam)
Darsie & Pradhan 1990 (Nepal)
Rattanarithikul et al. 2006b
WRBU - Genera - Global - Larva
WRBU - Genera - Eastern Palearctic - Adult
WRBU - Genera - Eastern Palearctic - Larva
WRBU - Genera - Indomalaya - Adult
WRBU - Genera - Indomalaya - Larva
WRBU - Genera - Oriental - Adult
WRBU - Genera - Oriental - Larva
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Indomalaya - Adult
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Indomalaya - Larva
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Oriental - Adult
WRBU - Anopheles Subgenera and Series - Oriental - Larva
WRBU - Anopheles (Cel.) Neocellia Series - Oriental - Adult
WRBU - Anopheles (Cel.) Neocellia Series - Oriental - Larva
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Koidzumi 1920: 23 (M, F, L)
Christophers 1933: 296 (M*, F*, P, L*, E)
Wu 1936: 268 (E*)
Bonne-Wepster & Swellengrebel 1953: 469 (M, F*, L*)
Hara 1959: 111 (F*)
Nguyen Thuong Hien 1968 (F*, L*; keys, taxonomy, bionomics, distribution; Vietnam)
Aslamkhan 1971b (distribution; Pakistan)
Darsie & Pradhan 1990 (F, L; taxonomy, keys, bionomics, distribution; Nepal)
Oo et al. 2004 (distribution; Myanmar)
Gupta & Chaudhry 2005 (E*)
Rattanarithikul et al. 2006b (F*, L*; bionomics, distribution, keys)
Morgan et al. 2009 (molecular phyl; Neocellia Series)
Morgan et al. 2011 (distribution, phylogeography)
Namgay et al. 2018 (bion, distribution; Bhutan)
syn. indiensis Theobald
1903a: 99 (not Theobald 1901a) (A; Nyssorhynchus maculipalpis variety). Type locality: [Nagpur, Central Provinces], India (NHMUK).
Aslamkhan, M. (1971b). The mosquitoes of Pakistan. I. A checklist. Mosquito Systematics, 3(4), 147–159.
Bonne-Wepster, J., & Swellengrebel, N.H. (1953). The anopheline mosquitoes of the Indo-Australian Region. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: de Bussy.
Christophers, S.R. (1933). The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Diptera. Vol. IV. Family Culicidae. Tribe Anophelini. London, England: Taylor and Francis.
Darsie, R.F., Jr., & Pradhan, S.P. (1990). The mosquitoes of Nepal: Their identification, distribution and biology. Mosquito Systematics, 22(2), 69–130.
Gupta, S., & Chaudhry, S. (2005). SEM study on the egg surface architecture of Anopheles (Cellia) splendidus Koidzumi (Culicidae: Diptera). Polskie pismo entomologiczne, 74(1), 7–14.
Hara, J. (1959). Taxonomical notes on the female terminalia of some anopheline mosquitoes of Japan and Formosa. Part 12. Taxonomic and ecological studies on mosquitoes of Japan. Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine, 29(2), 107–119.
Koidzumi, M. (1920). Preventive medical study of mosquitoes in Formosa. Daiwan Kenkyujo Hokoku [Report of the Formosa Government] 8, 1–158.
Morgan, K., O’Loughlin, S.M., Bin, C., Linton, Y.-M., Thongwat, D., Somboon, P., . . . Walton, C. (2011). Comparative phylogeography reveals a shared impact of Pleistocene environmental change in shaping genetic diversity within nine Anopheles mosquito species across the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot. Molecular Biology, 20(21), 4533–4549.
Morgan, K., O’Loughlin, S.M., Mun-Yik, F., Linton, Y.-M., Somboon, P., Min, S., . . . Walton, C. (2009). Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the Neocellia Series of Anopheles mosquitoes in the Oriental Region. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52(3), 588–601.
Namgay, R., Drukpa, T., Wangdi, T., Pemo, D., Harbach, R.E., & Somboon, P. (2018). A checklist of the Anopheles mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Bhutan. Acta Tropica, 188, 206–212.
Nguyen Thuong Hien. (1968). The genus of Anopheles in Vietnam (Military Entomology Information Service, Trans.) Saigon: Bureau of Entomology, National Malaria Program/Republic of Vietnam.
Oo, T.T., Storch, V., & Becker, N. (2004). Review of the Anopheles mosquitoes of Myanmar. Journal of Vector Ecology, 29(1), 21–40.
Rattanarithikul, R., Harrison, B.A., Harbach, R.E., Panthusiri, P., & Coleman, R.E. (2006b). Illustrated keys to the mosquitoes of Thailand. IV. Anopheles. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 128(Suppl. 2), 2.
Theobald, F.V. (1903a). A monograph of the Culicidae of the World (Vol. 3). London, England: British Museum (Natural History).
Wu, S.C. (1936). Further notes on the mosquitoes of Hangchow, Chekiang, with description of one new species. Yearbook of the Bureau of Entomology Hangchow, 5(for 1935), 46–53.
Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (Year). Anopheles splendidus species page. Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit Website, http://wrbu.si.edu/vectorspecies/mosquitoes/splendidus, accessed on [date (e.g. 03 February 2020) when you last viewed the site].