Chagasia bathana (Dyar, 1928)




Etymology: C.H. Bath

Type locality: Gatún, Canal Zone, Panama

Type depository: U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., United States (USNM)


Lane 1953

Harbach & Howard 2009

Beltrán-Aguilar et al. 2011


Exemplar DNA sequences

All Chagasia bathana sequences

Associated Pathogens



Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela.



Curry 1928: 244 (F, P, L; as Anopheles (Chagasia) bathanus)

Dyar 1928: 433

Senevet 1934: 50 (P)

Gabaldón et al. 1940: 58 (F, P, L)

 Rozeboom 1941: 98 (bionomics, distribution)

Komp 1942: 46 (M, F, P, L)

Leví-Castillo 1945: 17 (M, F, P, L)

Knight & Chamberlain 1948: 11 (P)

Lane 1953 (F, P, L, E)

Horsfall 1955: 41 (bionomics, distribution)

Vargas & Martínez-Palacios 1956: 52 (M, F, P, L)

Villanueva 1961: 217 (bionomics, distribution)

Mattingly 1971a: Pl. 8 (P abdomen*), Pl. 22 (L terminal segs.*)

Baerg & Boreham 1974b: 631 (E)

Fauran & Pajot 1974a: 100 (distribution)

Calderón et al. 1995: 5 (bionomics, distribution; Peru)

Harbach & Howard 2009: 9 (A*, P, L; distribution)

Beltrán-Aguilar et al. 2011: 736 (M*, F*, P*, L*; tax., keys, distribution)









Baerg, D.C., & Boreham, M.M. (1974b). Experimental rearing of Chagasia bathana (Dyar) using induced mating, and description of the egg stage (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 11(5), 631–632.

Beltrán-Aguilar, A., Ibáñez-Bernal, S., Mendoza-Palmero, F., Sandoval-Ruiz, C.A., & Hernández-Xoliot, R.A. (2011). Taxonomy and distribution of the anopheline mosquitoes in the state of Veracruz, Mexico (Diptera: Culicidae, Anophelinae). Acta zoologica mexicana (n.s.), 27(3), 601–755.

Calderón Falero, G., Fernández, R., & Valle, J. (1995). Especiés de la fauna anofelina, su distribución y algunas consideraciones sobre su abundancia e infectividad en el Perú. Revista Peruana de epidmiología, 8(1), 5–23.

Curry, D.P. (1928). A new anopheline mosquito, Anopheles (Chagasia) bathanus Dyar, discovered in the Canal Zone. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 8(3), 243–248.

Dyar, H.G. (1928). The mosquitoes of the Americas. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution for Science.

Fauran, P., & Pajot, F.X. (1974a). Complement to the catalog of the Culicidae recorded from French Guiana (South America). Mosquito Systematics, 6(2), 99–110.

Gabaldón, A., Herrera, J., Pérez-Vivas, M.A., & Rausseo, J.A. (1940b). Estudio sobre anofelinos, Serie I. 6. Chagasia bathanus Dyar, 1928: Su hallazgo en Venezuela y nota sobre variaciones morfológicas de las pupas. Publicaciones de la División de Malariología (Caracas), 5, 57–62.

Harbach, R.E., & Howard, T.M. (2009). Review of the genus Chagasia (Diptera: Culicidae: Anophelinae). Zootaxa, 2210, 1–25.

Horsfall, W.R. (1955). Mosquitoes. Their bionomics and relation to disease. New York, NY: Hafner. (Reprinted 1972)

Knight, K.L., & Chamberlain, R.W. (1948). A new nomenclature for the chaetotaxy of the mosquito pupa, based on a comparative study of the genera (Diptera: Culicidae). Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington, 15(1), 1–18.

Komp, W.H.W. (1942). The anopheline mosquitoes of the Caribbean Region. National Institute of Health Bulletin, 179. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.

Lane, J. (1953). Neotropical Culicidae (Vols. I–II). São Paulo, Brazil: University of São Paulo.

Leví-Castillo, R. (1945). Los anofelinos de la República del Ecuador. Tomo primero. Guayaquil, Ecuador: Artes Graficas Senefelder.

Mattingly, P.F. (1971a). Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia. XII. Illustrated keys to the genera of mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, 7(4), 1–84.

Rozeboom, L.E. (1941). Distribution and ecology of the Anopheles mosquitoes of the Caribbean Region. Publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 15, 98–107.

Senevet, G. (1934). Contribution a l’étude des nymphes d’anophelines (4e Memoire). Archives de l’Institut Pasteur d’Algérie, 12(1), 29–76.

Vargas, L., & Martínez Palacios, A. (1956). Anofelinos mexicanos. Taxonomía y distribución. Distrito Federal, México: Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia, Comisión Nacional para la Erradicación del Paludismo.

Villanueva Rodriguez, C. (1961). Distribución geográfica de Chagasia bathanus (Dyar, 1928) y algunos aspectos bionómicos de la larva. Revista Brasileira de entomología, 10, 217–225.



Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (Year). Chagasia bathana species page. Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit Website,, accessed on [date (e.g. 03 February 2020) when you last viewed the site].